Thursday, July 26, 2012

2.  I STILL want to be a person without toxins in my body.

"If at first you do not succeed, try, try again."

This has been ringing in my head for a few days now.  If I close my eyes and hear those words, I see a short, stocky cartoon character saying this.  I bet it was from a Disney movie I saw in my younger years... anyway...

So the cleanse did not work.  Well I should rephrase that, it will work, if I follow it.  So you know there is an excuse, I traveled last weekend.  But I must say that I had thrown in the towel a day before that.

So now I am trading in my excuses and starting over.  Today is day one.  I am drinking a blueberry chocolate shake and I have chicken in the oven cooking.  I will be making soup and chili this afternoon.  I have a fridge full of fresh veggies and hopefully a larger helping of will power.

I will say one thing.  I followed it well for 3-4 days and WOW!  I slept better, felt lighter, and lost a good chunk of weight.  This is providing a bit of motivation for me to carry on.

To be honest, I think that doing this alone has got me in a bit of a rut.  I love accountability buddies!  Hey, we were made to live in community right?  I am an extrovert who is deeply in touch with my need and desire for community.

I am reminded of something that the Lord showed me in prayer.  There is a difference between,  "I cannot do this alone," and "I do not want to do this alone." The first you need another human being.  The latter, you need God's grace.

I now call upon God's grace and love to aid me in this.  Oh, and on the feast of St. Anne and St. Joachim, the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, I ask for your intercession as well.

More soon...

1 comment:

  1. (this is the Natalie who was one of your residents and is a fellow MP supporter :))I did a cleanse last fall for 14 days with two other friends. If you can get past about 4 days it becomes hard to stop. You skin looks better, you loose a chunk of weight, you sleep better, you are more awake, you can focus better, you are happier....I could just keep going on and on. I just encourage you to persist and have people to support you.
